7 🎲 Sampling and Probability

7.1 An overview on probability

While a chance process is impossible to predict in the short term, if we observe more and more repetitions of any chance process, the proportion of times that a specific outcome occurs approaches a single value. This is called The Law of Large Numbers.

(a) The proportion of heads in the first 20 tosses of a coin. (b) The proportion of heads in the first 500 tosses of a coin.

FIGURE 7.1: (a) The proportion of heads in the first 20 tosses of a coin. (b) The proportion of heads in the first 500 tosses of a coin.

Above is the cumulative proportion of tosses for a fair coin. The previous example confirms that the probability of getting a head when we toss a fair coin is 0.5. Probability 0.5 means “occurs half the time in a very large number of trials.” That doesn’t mean that you are always guaranteed 50% heads and 50% tails for any number of tosses!

The Law of Large Numbers, therefore, never guarantees a specific outcome when we observe a chance process—rather, it points out that there the proportion trends towards the value that we predict for the chance process.

  • Empirical means something based in observation and experience, rather than theory or logic.
  • Empirical probabilities come from carrying out a simulation and recording the results. The probability of each event and outcome was the observed relative frequency from the simulation. You found empirical probabilities from Random Babies and Pass the Pigs activity.”
  • Theoretical means something based in logic, rather than observation.
  • Theoretical probabilities come from constructing a sample space.

The sample space is a list of all possible outcomes. - For example, when you toss a die, there are six possible outcomes. If the die is fair, then are all equally likely to occur. So, the sample space S for a fair die is \[S= {1,2,3,4,5,6}.\]

All possibilities of a six-sided die.

FIGURE 7.2: All possibilities of a six-sided die.

An event is a subset of a sample space. - For example, the event of “tossing a prime number” in our dice example is the set {2,3,5}. In a sample space with equally likely outcomes, the probability of an event P(E) is \[P(E)=\frac{\text{Number of Outcomes in the Event}}{\text{Total Number of Outcomes in the Sample Space}}\]

So, the theoretical probability of tossing a prime number is \(\frac{1}{2}\).


  • All events have probabilities between 0 and 1, inclusive.

  • The probability of an impossible event is 0.

  • The probability of a certain (guaranteed to happen) event is 1.

7.2 Performing Simulations

7.2.1 Carrying out simulations in R using sample()

Carrying out a simulation in R is very easy– much easier to do than using a chance process like dice, a random number generator, and so forth. Like all those other processes though, you must first construct the sample space.

Let’s simulate the roll of dice. First, I’ll create a new vector that counts from 1 to 6, and store it as dice.

dice <- 1:6

When you run the sample() command, R effectively selects an element randomly from the vector– almost like you placed each vector element on its own index card, and you pull one out. This behavior cannot be changed.

       size = 5, 
## [1] 3 1 4 5 6

Here are the parameters, explained:

  • dice= is the vector that we are sampling from.
  • size= is the number of times that we are sampling from this vector. This is the sample size.
  • replace= tells R whether to sample for replacement. FALSE means sampling without replacement. FALSE is the default setting; if you do not specify replace=, it will assume FALSE. What that means is that once R has selected that element, it will exclude that element from the second selection.

As you can see, it means that every face of the die is selected exactly once. While this works for 6 index cards labeled 1 to 6, it doesn’t make sense for dice. We know for a fact that numbers can be repeated on a dice.

Replacing with replace=TRUE allows us to properly replicate the chance process of rolling a dice. Here, we roll the dice 7 times. Notice that some numbers repeat.

       size = 5, 
## [1] 5 1 1 2 4

If you kept replace=FALSE, and selected a size= that was larger than the number of elements in dice, you get an error. If you sample without replacement, and you exclude any elements that have already been selected, you select all elements exactly once with size=6. There are no more elements beyond 6.

       size = 7, 
## Error in sample.int(length(x), size, replace, prob): cannot take a sample larger than the population when 'replace = FALSE'

7.2.2 Sampling from a table using slice_sample()

Let’s return to our periodic_table data from the previous chapter. Given that each row represented an element (in our case, an observational unit), we can use the slice_sample() function to select different elements at random.

slice_sample(periodic_table, n=5, replace=FALSE)
## # A tibble: 5 × 22
##   atomic_number symbol name  name_origin group period block
##           <dbl> <chr>  <chr> <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
## 1           116 Lv     Live… Lawrence L…    16      7 p    
## 2           109 Mt     Meit… Lise Meitn…     9      7 d    
## 3            82 Pb     Lead  English wo…    14      6 p    
## 4            30 Zn     Zinc  the German…    12      4 d    
## 5            14 Si     Sili… from the L…    14      3 p    
## # … with 15 more variables: state_at_stp <chr>,
## #   occurrence <chr>, description <chr>,
## #   atomic_weight <dbl>, aw_uncertainty <dbl>,
## #   any_stable_nuclides <chr>, density <dbl>,
## #   density_predicted <lgl>, melting_point <dbl>,
## #   mp_predicted <lgl>, boiling_point <dbl>,
## #   bp_predicted <lgl>, heat_capacity <dbl>, …

The advantage here over using sample(1:118, 5) (since there are 118 rows, and therefore chemical elements, in this table), is that you don’t need to choose the data associated with that observation all over again. You can now work with an columns associated with each sampled row, instead of manually selecting it.

Here’s another example using 5.3 to do more advanced sampling. In our ChickWeight scenario, we couldn’t just sample each row first, because each row represented a single observation of a chicken by Day. Let’s say I want to sample 5 chickens, on Diet 1, on Day 18:

chicken_sample <- ChickWeight %>%
  dplyr::filter(Time==18, Diet==1)

chicken_sample<- slice_sample(chicken_sample, n=5, replace=FALSE)

##   weight Time Chick Diet
## 1    248   18    14    1
## 2    199   18     5    1
## 3    160   18     6    1
## 4    184   18    11    1
## 5    185   18    12    1

Now, we can derive a mean weight from our chicken_sample with mean(chicken_sample$weight).

7.2.3 Repeating Trials

R cannot do everything for us. At every point when we design a simulation, we must make choices.

       size = 5, 
## [1] 2 5 4 2 5

The code above can be interpreted as taking a single dice, and rolling it five times. That means there are 5 trials with 1 observation in each trial.

But an alternative interpretation of the code above is that this is 1 trial where we threw 5 dice at once, simultaneously. In this case, it means that, if we want 5 trials, we would have to run the code over and over.

If we were to simulate the probability of throwing multiple dice at once, over multiple trials, we would need to run the sample() command over and over. Manually running the command isn’t practical, so we use the replicate() function instead.

simul_5dice_10trials<- replicate(10, sample(dice,size=5,replace=TRUE))
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
## [1,]    1    4    6    3    1    5    1    1    4     2
## [2,]    3    3    5    6    2    6    4    4    3     2
## [3,]    1    3    1    4    5    2    1    6    4     5
## [4,]    6    2    5    5    5    2    2    5    2     2
## [5,]    4    2    5    1    5    1    6    5    1     3

simul_5dice_10trials represents the simulation of throwing five dice per trial, over ten trials. Therefore, each column represents one trial, and each element in the column represents the result of that dice.

7.2.4 Simulations Practice

Your turn! Store the sample space of a 8-sided die into dice_8. Then, run a simulation where you throw two 8-sided dice over 6 trials.

7.3 Tabluating using Two-Way Tables

As we learned in @(table), we can use the table() function to return the counts of a single quantitative variable. Here’s an example with the diamonds dataset, built into R, which contains the prices and attributes of 54,000 diamonds.

## # A tibble: 6 × 10
##   carat cut     color clarity depth table price     x     y
##   <dbl> <ord>   <ord> <ord>   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1  0.23 Ideal   E     SI2      61.5    55   326  3.95  3.98
## 2  0.21 Premium E     SI1      59.8    61   326  3.89  3.84
## 3  0.23 Good    E     VS1      56.9    65   327  4.05  4.07
## 4  0.29 Premium I     VS2      62.4    58   334  4.2   4.23
## 5  0.31 Good    J     SI2      63.3    58   335  4.34  4.35
## 6  0.24 Very G… J     VVS2     62.8    57   336  3.94  3.96
## # … with 1 more variable: z <dbl>

The diamonds dataset includes multiple cateogorical variables that describe the quality of a diamond, including cut, color, and clairty. It would be very easy to tabulate each variable at once, by selecting each column as a vector.

##      Fair      Good Very Good   Premium     Ideal 
##      1610      4906     12082     13791     21551
##     D     E     F     G     H     I     J 
##  6775  9797  9542 11292  8304  5422  2808

We can go further. What if I wanted to know how many diamonds were both cut== "Ideal"and color== "E"? In this case, we can pass both variables into R so it cross-tabulates the data for us.

table(diamonds$cut, diamonds$color)
##                D    E    F    G    H    I    J
##   Fair       163  224  312  314  303  175  119
##   Good       662  933  909  871  702  522  307
##   Very Good 1513 2400 2164 2299 1824 1204  678
##   Premium   1603 2337 2331 2924 2360 1428  808
##   Ideal     2834 3903 3826 4884 3115 2093  896

7.3.1 Deriving Marginal probabilities/ proportions from a two-way table

Now that we have the counts, it is easy for R to find the marginal probabilities from the table. Just pass the entire table() output into the proportions command.

proportions(table(diamonds$cut, diamonds$color))
##                    D        E        F        G        H
##   Fair      0.003022 0.004153 0.005784 0.005821 0.005617
##   Good      0.012273 0.017297 0.016852 0.016148 0.013014
##   Very Good 0.028050 0.044494 0.040119 0.042621 0.033815
##   Premium   0.029718 0.043326 0.043215 0.054208 0.043752
##   Ideal     0.052540 0.072358 0.070931 0.090545 0.057749
##                    I        J
##   Fair      0.003244 0.002206
##   Good      0.009677 0.005692
##   Very Good 0.022321 0.012570
##   Premium   0.026474 0.014980
##   Ideal     0.038802 0.016611