9 🔮 Linear Regression

99% of the time in Stats, you’re not just looking for an association. You want a regression line to create a linear model.

A regression line summarizes the relationship between the two variables, but only in a specific setting: when one of the variables helps explain or predict the other. Regression, unlike correlation, requires that we have an explanatory variable and a response variable.

A regression line is a model for the data, much like a sample space in our Probability unit. The equation of a regression line gives a compact mathematical description of what the model tells us between the response variable y and the explanatory variable x.

We construct a linear model using the lm command, and store it into the variable reg_line.

reg_line<- lm(Orange$circumference~Orange$age)

If you were waiting for the regression line to suddenly appear on the scatterplot, it won’t. You must call a separate command abline(), which adds the line on top of the existing scatterplot as a new layer.

This means that you must run plot() first to create the scatterplot, and then abline() right after.

plot(y= Orange$circumference,
     x= Orange$age,
     main= "Age of Orange Trees vs. Circumference of Trunks",
     xlab= "Age of Tree (Days since Dec. 31, 1968)",
     ylab= "Trunk Circumference (mm)")

abline(reg_line, col="red")
A Scatter Plot of Diamond Weight and Diamond Price

FIGURE 9.1: A Scatter Plot of Diamond Weight and Diamond Price

Like the boxplot() command in 6.4.2, the lm() command takes on two variables in the order of y~x. Be careful with placement– you always want the x variable, the explanatory variable, on the x-axis.

9.1 Create a Residual Plot

A residual is the difference between an observed (actual) value of the response variable and the predicted value by the regression line. You calculate it by: \[ \text{residual} = \text{observed y} - \text{predicted y} = y - \hat{y}\]

A residual plot takes every residual and plots it in a separate scatterplot. In effect, residual plots turn the regression line horizontal. It magnifies the deviations of the points from the line, making it easier to see unusual observations and patterns. You should always evaluate whether a linear regression line is a good fit for the model.

Whenever you create a linear model using the lm command, R automatically creates a list of residuals for you, which you plot separately.

     ylab= "Residual",
     main= "Residual Plot for Orange Tree Regression")
Resdial Plot for the Orange Tree linear model, stored as reg_line

FIGURE 9.2: Resdial Plot for the Orange Tree linear model, stored as reg_line

Here are two things to look for when you examine a residual plot:

  1. The residual plot should show no obvious pattern. A curved pattern in a residual plot shows that the relationship is not linear. Predictions of y using this line will be less accurate for larger values of x.
  2. The residuals should be relatively small in size. A regression line that fits the data well should be closely “bunched” to the zero line, with no serious fan shape among the residuals.

9.3 Regression Wisdom

You should never, ever, rely soley on the \(R^2\) value in order to determine whether the model is a good fit.

Anscombe’s Data (find it in R under anscombe) is a famous dataset that shows why. It is reproduced below. Read the description, and then proceed to each individual tab.

As you can see, every dataset here has the same exact r correlation coefficient, and the same \(R^2\) coefficient. However, only the first set of data is appropriate for a linear model– the other 3 are clearly not appropriate for a linear model.

All four of Anscombe's plots. Taken from https://www.shinyapps.org/apps/RGraphCompendium/index.php#anscombes-quartet

FIGURE 9.4: All four of Anscombe’s plots. Taken from https://www.shinyapps.org/apps/RGraphCompendium/index.php#anscombes-quartet

Always ask yourself these questions when you are fitting as linear model to your scatter plot:

  1. Are these variables quantitative?
  2. Is there a reasonable assumption that the two variables have a relationship with each other?
  3. Does the scatterplot show a reasonable strength, direction, and form?
  4. Does the residual plot show a reasonable scatter with no obvious pattern?
  5. Is the standard deviation of the residuals reasonably small?
  6. Is the R^2 value large?